
Connector's Table by Mainstreaming On Main Street (MoMS)

Connector's Table by Mainstreaming On Main Street (MoMS)

Tuesday March 21 2017, 7:30 PM - Tuesday March 21 2017, 9:00 PM
@ Vision Forward Association 912 N Hawley Rd, Milwaukee,...
Attendees:  @Kurt

I hope this message finds you well as we face the last snows of winter, 2017.  The message below is for your own information and to share with peers, those you serve, and others who travel the intersection of:  doing for and doing with; independence and interdependence; charity and justice.


Let me know of any questions you may have. 


Dan Lococo



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March 21st MoMS Connectors Table:  fixing, helping or serving? 


We use the terms “fixing, helping, or serving” regularly.  Things that are broken need fixing; we help those who cannot help themselves.  We can only serve, however, by whole heartedly engaging with others.  Each has its time and place.  This month’s Mainstreaming on Main Street (MoMS) Connectors Table will focus on negotiating the landscape of fixing, helping, or serving.  This is a conversation and an exploration.  You are invited to participate by sharing your own, unique, experiences.

All are welcome to these first-person conversations.  I encourage you to share this information with your peers, colleagues, and social networks.


The Mainstreaming on Main Street (MoMS) Connector’s Table conversation will be taking place on March 21.  The roundtables reflect the wisdom participants bring to the table and the importance of connection in building community.  These first-person conversations are open to anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of the intersection of disability and community engagement. 


The monthly roundtable conversations focus on topics affecting how PWD engage with the community around us.  Each roundtable begins with a brief overview of a specific topic, followed by a roundtable conversation regarding the topic and how it is experienced in the lives of the roundtable participants.


This series takes place on the third Tuesday of each month on the Vision Forward Association campus located at 912 North Hawley Rd, Milwaukee from 6:30 – 8:00 PM.  Other locations may be added later if there is enough interest.   


For background on this month's roundtable you can read:  Remen, Rachel Naomi.  (September, 1999).  Helping, Fixing or Serving? https://goo.gl/8VUY4S


Recent conversations have included:  models of disability; Microaggression and marginalization; discrimination and disability rights; disclosing/coming out as a person with a disability; and talking about disability.  Future roundtables will include:  building a team - consuming/collaborating; where to go from here.


All roundtables are open to everyone.  As a first-person conversation, all participants are asked to speak on behalf of themselves, from their own experiences.  An underlying tenant of the roundtables is “We are each of us broken, and yet, we are all whole persons.”


If you know of others who might be interested in this roundtable conversation, and have access to social media, please feel free to share the ready-to-post notice below:

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MoMS Connectors Table March 21st – fixing, helping, or serving.


You are invited to participate in the March 21 Mainstreaming on Main Street (MoMS) Connector’s Table.  This connecters table focuses onfixing, helping, or serving.  This conversation is an exploration open to everyone.


To participate in this first-person conversation, sign up at:  http://meetu.ps/37xkm7


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For more information on the series, contact:

Dan Lococo






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