Project to increase the number of people with disabilities who self-direct their supports
Project to increase the number of people with disabilities who self-direct their supports.
The Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (BPDD) has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to develop strategies to inform and train individuals with disabilities to use self-directed supports (SDS).
The goal of the project(s) will be to increase the number of people with disabilities who self-direct their services and supports, including youth transitioning into the Long-Term Care system.These projects also will include a focus on building natural community supports and connections.
BPDD will fund between one and three SDS projects. A total of $80,000 is available, to be allocated for all SDS projects related to this RFP.
SDS projects can focus on single-issue projects such as, but not limited to, community-supported living, community connections, and transition supports. Projects can also have a broader focus on training and education strategies related to choice and decision making for people with disabilities.
The deadline to submit a proposal is January 8, 2013. The entire RFP is available on the BPDD website. For more information, contact Fil Clissa at