Into the Thick Things: Connecting Consumers to Community Life

Deb Wisniewski
Deb Wisniewski
14 years ago
0 posts

Consumer-Run Programs Turn Toward Their Communities

The Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion of Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities (formerly the UPenn Collaborative) has announced the publication of:

Into the Thick Things: Connecting Consumers to Community Life - A Compendium of Community Inclusion Initiatives for People with Psychiatric Disabilities at Consumer-Run Programs.

The Compendium is based on a national survey of consumer-run programs assisting consumers in reconnecting to their communities, to existing residential and vocational resources, religious and recreational organizations, civic and volunteer opportunities beyond those of mental health systems. More than three dozen consumer-run programs from around the country provide inspiring examples of how the consumer movement has begun to refocus its programs and practices on helping consumers to reconnect with everyday life and local mainstream organizations. Both consumer-run programs and more traditional mental health agencies will find examples of innovative ways to assist consumers in working with the community - with landlords, colleges and training programs, neighborhood associations, social and recreational groups, etc. Into the Thick of Things can be downloaded at no cost from the Temple University Collaborative's new website at:

updated by @deb-wisniewski: 02/23/16 03:06:01AM


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