Are you using IRIS or Family Care (or neither) for SDS? Why?

Deb Wisniewski
Deb Wisniewski
12 years ago
0 posts

If you use Self-Directed Supports, do you use IRIS or Family Care? Maybe you're in a county program (Legacy Waiver) and use SDS that way. If you don't use SDS at all (even though you receive supports through a long-term care program), can you tell me why?

I want to know what program you're involved with and why you chose it...(Just call me nosy)


updated by @deb-wisniewski: 02/23/16 10:58:40AM
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12 years ago
0 posts

I'm a IRIS program participant I have been disabled with several medical conditions since really young. I have been on SSDI since 1999 and Medicare since 2000. I have had three strokes since 1996, a heart attack in 2003, diabetes Type 2, Fibromyalgia, and several other chronic medical conditions.

Since I became an IRIS participant in December 2010 I enjoy being in control of my own services and who provides those services for me. I am receiving only the services I really do need or want. I have several great caregivers and community service providers currently on my IRIS team. I like the fact I can talk with my IRIS consultant as needed and make changes to my plan as needed as my situation changes. Unlike the Family Care program I was involved in prior to becoming a IRIS program member. I came to the IRIS program after I could no longer make the Family Care program work for me under self-direction. It was decided with my family care case manager and team that I needed to switch to the IRIS program because my Self-Directed Supports could no longer help me reach my goals. I love the flexibility and support I get from the IRIS program. I'm in control of my life and what I want for my life. I have the right to control my own life and destiny. With the support of my family, friends and others who believe in these values, I can and will pursue my goals and be fully included in my community. I have achieved many of the goals I wanted too so far. If you want to know what I have achieved in the IRIS program ask me.

Deb Wisniewski
Deb Wisniewski
12 years ago
0 posts

Thanks Dean for posting a bit of your SDS story. I'm interested in what goals are most important for you as you use SDS. What do you want your life to look like?

Marie Massart
Marie Massart
11 years ago
18 posts

Neither I live in Door County.


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