The NYLN & The Youth Empowerment Press

Deb Wisniewski
Deb Wisniewski
15 years ago
0 posts
Here's a great new resource from the National Youth Leadership Network (NYLN). Here's how they describe themselves: "The NYLNis a non-profit organization led by young leaders with disabilities.We are youth-run, youth-led, youth-driven. Our members live all over the United States and its territories. NYLN promotes youth leadership, education, and advocacy. We make sure that youth with disabilities know how to set and reach their own goals."

The NYLN folks have just re-designed their newsletter - you can find the autumn edition at:

You can find out more about the NYLN by checking out their website at:

updated by @deb-wisniewski: 02/23/16 03:06:00AM


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