
Are you interested in presenting at the 2022 Self-Determination Conference?  We are seeking session proposals for Tuesday, October 18 & Wednesday, October 19, 2022. Click the button below to fill out the online presenter application. 

This year’s theme: Everyone has a story; Your voice matters will help people with disabilities lead more Self-Determined lives by recognizing the valued role communities play in our lives!

Things to know when submitting a proposal:

  • Proposals must include a self-advocate(s) as a lead or co-presenter.
  • Panels should be limited to no more than 3 people. 
  • Conference sessions must support Self-Determination and Self-Directed principles.
  • Presentations will be in person and on video this year. Activity and tools must be available on both platforms. Presentations should focus on practical, take-home strategies that people can implement in their work and lives.
  • Sessions should not promote specific agencies or products. 
  • Repeat or similar sessions from previous conferences will not be considered.
  • Sessions will be 1.5 hours in length.
  • A typical session has an audience of 50-75 attendees. 

There are three ways to complete the proposal form and submit it by noon on May 13, 2022 to:

Complete form online here;

Email to Fil Clissa at; or

Mail to BPDD - Self-Determination Conference, 101 E. Wilson St., Room 219, Madison, WI 53703

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There are jobs available everywhere in today's society. With the economy the way it is, people can pick and choose. While it's great for people looking for jobs, it's an incredibly frustrating scenario for employers trying to fill positions. Home care has struggled for years - - even before the pandemic. This article gives statistics and lays out the current situation in detail. 

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Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERC) Program

The purpose of the RERC program is to improve the effectiveness of services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act by conducting advanced engineering research on and development of innovative technologies that are designed to solve particular rehabilitation problems or to remove environmental barriers. RERCs also demonstrate and evaluate such technologies, facilitate service delivery system changes, stimulate the production and distribution of new technologies and equipment in the private sector, and provide training opportunities.

RERC on Recreational, Sport, and Exercise Technologies for People with Disabilities: This particular opportunity is for an RERC to conduct research and development activities toward technologies that promote exercise and health among people with disabilities.

View more details and application instructions.

Please visit the link above for more details about the grant opportunity and application process. This grant opportunity closes on June 13, 2022.

Government agencies have started reviewing policies that were put in place to meet the needs of states, localities, and the public during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. When the federal declaration of a public health emergency (PHE) expires, many of the flexibilities initiated during the PHE will need to be rolled back. This return to pre-pandemic operations will have far-reaching impacts for older adults and people with disabilities. Changes in Medicaid enrollment and eligibility will be particularly important—and potentially confusing or disruptive—for current enrollees. The aging and disability networks can prepare in advance for the coming changes to best meet the needs of people who rely on Medicaid coverage for essential services and supports. This fact sheet will help address some common questions ACL grantees may have.

View fact sheet

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96 Self-Determination Network News:
April 2022

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Join the Conversation: The Caregiver Crisis 

For many people with disabilities and their families, the caregiver crisis has become front and center in their lives.

There are thousands of hours of needed care are going unmet. People are not receiving the care they need. Whether you work for an agency trying to find caregivers for clients or a person who is trying to hire workers yourself, finding caregivers is almost impossible.

Lots of advocacy groups are trying to come up with a solution to this. When you need to find direct care workers, individually or with an agency, what are some unique ways it can be done? Do you have an idea of how to help improve the current situation we are in? What are some ways we can start to mitigate this issue?

If you could ask for one thing right now to fix the problem, what would it be?

Let’s brainstorm ideas here!


The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.

This month, we shined the spotlight on Emily. When this determined self-advocate isn’t working with the Living Well Grant, she’s probably busy doing one of her several hobbies. Check out this month's Member Spotlight to get to know Emily.   

Who should we shine the spotlight on next?

128 Stacy’s Journal

"In today’s world where everything is so divided, I would hope people would to accept people for who they are, and if they want to make a joke about someone publicly, at the very least, ask the person beforehand if it’s ok to use. "

In this month's entry, Stacy discusses the situation that happened during the Oscars and the connection to people with disabilities it has. What's your take on the situation? Have you ever been in a similar situation?

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Check out the Latest Videos!

The Self-Determination Channel is a YouTube channel by and for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Unlike other channels, the Self-Determination Channel stands stand out from other channels on YouTube because self-advocates host the videos, and decide and create the content. Videos are posted a couple times a month on a variety of topics self-advocates care about such as technology, employment, caregivers, independent living, and advocacy.

Check out the newest videos on the channel:

We encourage you to subscribe to the Channel (you can do so by clicking the red Subscribe button on any of the video pages).


Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • Hidden Costs: Two years into the pandemic, and many people with disabilities are facing hidden costs that most people don't even think about. Learn what some of these are. 
  • National Guard Assisting in Nursing Homes and Hospitals: Over 150 National Guard members recently completed CNA training and are assisting staff in hospitals and nursing homes. Read more about why this is. 
  • New Innovations Often Inaccessible: Through the pandemic, many new innovations have been created in the medical field. While great for most people, some of them aren't accessible to people with disabilities. Find out more about why some are inaccessible. 
  • A Vision of a Great Self-Direction Program: A recent paper was published by former InControl board member and forever friend,  Lynn Breedlove, entitled, " What Would a Great Self-Direction Program Look Like?" He lays out the information framework for what an ideal self-direction program would look like. This is meant to be conversation starter. What do you think? Do you have other ideas? 
  • Web Accessibility Guidance: The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has published guidance on web accessibility and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to inform state and local governments and businesses open to the public on how to ensure their websites are accessible to people with disabilities. Learn about what the guidance explains.
  • Real Pay for Real Jobs Initiative: The U.S. Department of Education’s Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) invites applications for the Subminimum Wage to Competitive Integrated Employment (SWTCIE) demonstration project, aimed at increasing access for people with disabilities to jobs that pay good wages. Submissions are due June 21. 
  • Voting Worries: Due to recent court rulings, many people with disabilities in Wisconsin are concerned about their ability to vote. Read about what the rulings could mean.
  • States Efforts to Address Workforce Shortage: This brief looks at state Medicaid efforts to address the Home-and-Community-Based Services workforce shortage. Learn about what states are doing. 
  • Inclusive Coffee Shop: A new coffee shop in Waukesha, focused on inclusiveness, recently opened. Find out what makes this shop unique.
  • Robots in the Classroom: The use of artificial intelligence has skyrocketed in recent years. People with disabilities often can increase their independence with the use of it. Read about how robots are helping students with disabilities in the classroom. 
  • Proposed Rule to Improve Accessibility on Laboratories on Single-Aisle Aircraft: The Department of Transportation is seeking public comment a rule that would improve accessibility of laboratories on new single-aisle airplanes. Comments can be submitted until May 21.
  • History Made at the Oscars: A movie featuring predominately people with disabilities made history at this year's Oscars. Find out what film it was. 
  • Boost to Money Follows the Person Program: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid recently announced a $110 million boost to the Money Follows the Person program. Learn about what this will help with. 
  • Voter Experience Survey: The League of Women Voters is conducting a Voter Experience survey to hear from voters about their experience in the April 5th election. Take the survey now.  

128 Upcoming Events

Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your event on the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions?  Contact Stacy Ellingen. 


The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsin and supported financially by our members and Sponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you!  Find out how you can help support the Network.


The League of Women Voters is conducting a Voter Experience survey to hear from voters about their experience in the April 5th election. 
Please complete the survey and be sure to share any concerns about how the new restrictions on ballot return assistance and on drop boxes affected your voting rights.  If you were not able to vote April 5th because of these restrictions, be sure to complete the survey.  Survey results will be used to support the need for improvements in policy and accessibility. 

Click on the links to view the survey:   English Survey  or  Spanish Survey

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Member Spotlight: Emily

By SD Network, 2022-04-06

Meet Emily. When this determined self-advocate isn’t working with the Living Well Grant, she’s probably busy doing one of her several hobbies. As a host of the Self-Determination YouTube Channel, she loves being able to share different things with people to maybe help them be more determined. We’re so fortune to have her as a member of the Network!

What's your story?  Tell us a little bit about yourself

Emily is 37 years old and is originally from a small fishing town called McClellanville in South Carolina. It was 45 miles from Charleston. In 2002, her junior year of high school, she moved with her parents to Madison. She attended LaFollette High School. Emily shares that she has a Nonverbal Learning Disability (NLD). “I actually best express myself and understand best verbally,” she says. 

Since 2018, Emily has been a Self-Advocate for the Living Well Grant, and she is also a host of the Self-Determination YouTube Channel.

How are you involved with self-determination? Why did you join the SD Network?

Emily joined the Network to share her story and to connect with people. She’s looking forward to having her Member Spotlight posted on Facebook. 

Tell us some good news - what's the most exciting thing happening for you (or in Wisconsin) in terms self-determination?

Emily is excited that the Self-Determination YouTube Channel is growing! She explains that more hosts are being added and more videos are being made. “I enjoy being able to share my opinions on different topics and in videos that are shared publicly,” she says. 

What tip or resource would you like to share with people who want to be more self-determined?

Emily encourages people to check out the Self-Determination Channel on YouTube and watch some of the videos. “Subscribe to the channel. It’s free,” she exclaims! 

What are some of your hobbies?

Emily has lots of hobbies. She likes to do crafty things like sequence kits, puzzles, and coloring pages. She also likes to find new recipes and try them.. And, of course, she loves watching YouTube videos. In addition to watching videos on the Self-Determination Channel, she also likes watching music videos and videos of animals.

***We love hearing the views and opinions of Network members. We need to mention that the views and opinions expressed on this site are those of the person who is sharing them. They do not necessarily reflect InControl Wisconsin or any of our supporters and funders.


Stacy’s Journal: Words DO Matter

By Stacy Ellingen, 2022-04-02

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Yes, I’m aware that I used this quote to start a journal entry a mere two months ago; however, due to recent events at the Oscars, I felt I couldn’t find a better quote to exemplify just how much words do hurt. We all know that the quote is untrue. The Oscars were supposed to be a night of celebration—there was so much to be celebrated—especially for the disability community. The movie, "CODA," won the Academy Award for best picture. It also won the Oscar for best adapted screenplay, and Troy Kutsor became the first deaf actor to win an Academy Award. "CODA," which stands for child of deaf adults, is about a teenager who often interprets for her parents discovers she's a great singer, but finds herself divided between family obligations and pursuing her dreams. The disability representation was amazing, but one joke by host, Chris Rock, about Will Smith’s wife and Will’s extreme overreaction overshadowed the so many positives the night brought.

For those of you who have not heard, Will’s wife, Jada, has a condition called alopecia. It’s a skin condition that often leads to hair loss which is true for Jada—she has no hair. Chris Rock, a comedian, made some snarky joke about her starring in the next G.I. Jane movie, and Will got upset. He walked up on stage, slapped Chris, and started yelling expletives. This was all on live tv. I believe they cut to commercial, so not everyone saw the whole thing. However, it’s all over the media. 

Was Will wrong? Definitely. Was Chris wrong? Definitely. They both were. Will’s overreaction was extreme and should and will have consequences. Chris was also wrong, though. Did he know about Jada’s condition? Some reports say he did; others say he didn’t. Regardless, this brings me to my main point of this entry—making jokes about somebody’s appearance or abilities is never okay.

I’ll be honest, I was watching the Oscars, but somehow, missed the whole situation. I went to bed before it was over and didn’t see Will’s acceptance speech when he won best actor where he apologized for his actions. I became aware of the situation when I turned on the news the next morning. When I heard about it, I’m not going to lie, I kind of sided with Will. No, I’m not saying I condone his actions at all, but he was sticking up for his wife who got made fun of for a condition that she can’t help. People with disabilities or health conditions, including myself, can relate to this situation. Many people who look a little different than the norm are often the brunt of jokes.

Several years ago, a fairly new caregiver said something to the effect of, “you know, you’re lucky, you never have to buy new shoes because yours never wear out,” as she was feeding me lunch. She was implying that since I can’t walk, I don’t need to buy new shoes (which couldn’t be farther from the truth, but that’s beside the point).  I was taken back by her comment, but didn’t really react to her. Later, I posted it on my Facebook page thinking it would reinforce people to think about what they say to people. I was surprised when several people with similar circumstances thought it was funny. Of course, there were some people who agreed that it was insensitive, but we had an interesting conversation about it on my Facebook page.

I’ve also had people tell me that I’m lucky because I was lucky because I always have a seat. Now, I realize that there probably wasn’t any ill intent; people just weren’t thinking. However, words do hurt. I rarely respond back because I know they didn’t mean it in a harmful way. Whenever people say something like that to me though, it does affect my mental health. Really? Am I lucky to be in a wheelchair? Seriously? I’d gladly trade places with you and or walk if I could. Those are my thoughts when people say that I’m lucky because I always have a seat.

I realize I’m more sensitive about my condition than most. Other people are much stronger than I am and don’t mind when people make degrading jokes about their appearance and abilities. In fact, there are some semi famous comedians with disabilities who use their personal situation as content for their shows. While I understand the concept of using your circumstances as material makes people less uncomfortable, I can’t bring myself to agree with it. Why make fun of your appearance or abilities when we advocate for society not to? Isn’t that a double standard? It doesn’t make sense to me.

I realize that there are many different opinions about this topic, and I respect that. In today’s world where everything is so divided, I would hope people would to accept people for who they are, and if they want to make a joke about someone publicly, at the very least, ask the person beforehand if it’s ok to use. Personally, I love Will Smith as an actor, but I think he’s going to have a really rough road ahead of him. Physically hurting someone on a very public stage erases all the fame he once had. In my opinion, I think both Chris and Will should have taken a minute to apologize to each other (and Jada) at the end of the night. Will probably still would have faced consequences (as he should), but I think that would have done a lot for reputations of the two.

The lesson everyone can learn from all this is that words really can hurt. We knew it before; this situation just emphasized how much they really can. Be mindful of what you say to people. Words DO matter.

***The views expressed here are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of InControl Wisconsin, the Network or any of our sponsors.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid recently announced it will distribute more than $110 million to Medicaid's Money Follows the Person program.  The goal of this program is to have greater control over where they receive long-term care. For states already participating in the program, CMS is increasing the reimbursement rate for MPF " supplemental services."  

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A movie featuring predominately people with disabilities made history at the Oscars. The movie, "CODA," won the Academy Award for best picture. It also won the Oscar for best adapted screenplay, and Troy Kutsor became the first deaf actor to win an Academy Award. "CODA," which stands for child of deaf adults, is about a teenager who often interprets for her parents discovers she's a great singer, but finds herself divided between family obligations and pursuing her dreams. Advocates feel like this is a huge win for disability representation. 

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