
Member Spotlight: Jordan Anderson

By SD Network, 2021-08-19

IMG_0897.jpegMeet Jordan. This recent high school graduate has found his love for advocacy. He loves attending different events and connecting with others. He encourages people to get involved in disability advocacy. It’s a great way to connect with others. We’re so fortune to have him as a member of the Self-Determination Network.  

What's your story?  Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Jordan is from Auburndale, Wisconsin and he just graduated from Auburndale High School. He will be attending Project Search in Marshfield this fall. He loves connecting with other advocates.

How are you involved with self-determination? Why did you join the SD Network?

Jordan joined the Self-Determination Network to meet others. “I want to meet other people that are like me and have the same needs and wants as me,” he tells us. Jordan is active in several different disability advocacy boards including Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities, the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition, and the Wisconsin Supported Decision-Making Team. He has also attended many disability conferences, and is scheduled to present at a few upcoming events.

Tell us some good news - what's the most exciting thing happening for you (or in Wisconsin) in terms self-determination?

Jordan is looking forward to speaking at the Self-Determination Conference this year. He does a lot of work with the Disability Vote Coalition to make sure that people have the right to vote and he's happy that the governor recently vetoed the bills that would have made it harder for people to vote.

What tip or resource would you like to share with people who want to be more self-determined? 

Jordan explains that he got into doing more disability advocacy things about a year ago. He loves attending conferences and connecting with other self-advocates. He encourages others to get involved with various types of advocacy. He explains that one opportunity could lead to many others.

What are some of your hobbies?

Jordan is an avid sports fan and loves to watch Wisconsin sports. He also enjoys talking with family and friends over zoom about politics and current events. He likes discussing policy issues as well.

***We love hearing the views and opinions of Network members. We need to mention that the views and opinions expressed on this site are those of the person who is sharing them. They do not necessarily reflect InControl Wisconsin or any of our supporters and funders.


Self-Determination Network News:

August 2021

Connect Share |Learn 

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Registration Now Open!

The 2021 Self-Determination Conference will be October 18-20. With the health and safety of participants in mind and with the current raise in COVID cases and variants, it has been decided that a virtual conference is the best option for 2021. You’re in for a great virtual conference experience again this year! There will be lots of interactive and networking opportunities.  You'll receive a great conference kit and registration is FREE! Register today!

Calling Microbusiness Owners

There is a new way to exhibit at the Self-Determination Conference this year! The All Abilities Market is an online marketplace where microenterprises and artists can sell their products and/or services. You have the unique opportunity to join this marketplace and sell online, not only at the Self-Determination Conference but all year long! Applications are due September 1.

Exhibitor Applications Available 

Applications to be an exhibitor at the conference are now being accepted. Organizations that support self-determination and self-directed supports are encouraged to apply. Applications are due September 1.

Diehard Award Nominations

Do you know someone who goes above and beyond to improve community supports for individuals with disabilities?  Do they support self-determination?  Nominate them for a Diehard Award in one of the following two categories: Professional Advocate or Self-Advocate/Grassroots Advocate. Nominations are due September 1.


The Self-Determination Network includes some very talented members and we want to help you to get to know each other a little better. Member Spotlight is a great way for us to get to know each other better.

This month, we're shining the spotlight on Sydney. This animal–loving self-advocate keeps busy by participating in various advocacy organizations , and she encourages others to get involved in some sort of advocacy. Stop by this month's Member Spotlight to get to know Sydney. 

Who should we shine the spotlight on next?

Voting Bills Update

Governor Evers recently vetoed bills that would have created new barriers and have impacted the voting rights of many people with disabilities. The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition released a new document that highlights stories of voters who these bills would have impacted. While these bills were paused for now, we encourage you to continue to reach out to your legislators and share how important it is to make voting accessible for everyone. 

People First Wisconsin is Hiring! 

People First Wisconsin is a statewide Self-Advocacy organization for people with disabilities. They help people speak up for themselves, share ideas, start local Self-Advocacy groups, and work together with advocates across Wisconsin on issues important to members to improve life for people with disabilities. Currently, they're accepting applications for a Office Manager and a Financial Manger. Learn more about these positions and find out how to apply by clicking here. Applications are being accepted until September 8.

128 Stacy’s Journal

"Sports have a funny way of pushing people to their limit, but also bringing people together. They make people realize what they are capable of and how far they can go. They also help us realize that humans are humans, and nobody is perfect."

In this month's journal entry, Stacy discusses the different types of Olympics and how they impact the world. What do you learn from watching the Olympics?

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Check out the Latest Videos!

The Self-Determination Channel is a YouTube channel by and for people with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Unlike other channels, the Self-Determination Channel stands stand out from other channels on YouTube because self-advocates host the videos, and decide and create the content. Videos are posted a couple times a month on a variety of topics self-advocates care about such as technology, employment, caregivers, independent living, and advocacy.

Check out the newest videos on the channel:

We encourage you to subscribe to the Channel (you can do so by clicking the red Subscribe button on any of the video pages).


Take five minutes to check out what's happening on the Self-Determination Network:

  • SPARKS Grants: SPARKS grants are meant to give people with disabilities more social connections by participating in community activities, and they help provide inclusive programming that gives people more opportunities. Applications are due September 10.
  • Input Needed on "No Surprise Billing" Rule: Surprise billing can occur when someone receives care from a provider outside of their insurance carrier’s network. This often occurs in emergency situations, when people do not have control over where they are taken for medical care. A new rule would implement requirements set in the No Surprises Act to establish protections against surprise billing. The public comment period closes September 7.
  • The Importance of Web Accessibility: Most use the Internet on a daily basis. The opportunities that the Internet brings are endless. However, for people with visual impairments, these opportunities are significantly more limited.  Learn why website accessibility is becoming more and more important. 
  • COVID Added to Disability Qualification List: Recently, the US Department of Justice and the US Department of Health and Human Services released guidance that explains that explains when “long COVID” may be a disability under the ADA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act. Learn about what this means. 
  • Fact Sheet: Late in July, we celebrated the 31st anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Biden-Harris administration released a fact sheet about what they've done to ensure people with disabilities receive resources and are included in key administration proposals.  Check it out. 
  • Report on AVs: The U.S. Access Board has released a summary report on its four-part series of virtual meetings on making autonomous vehicles (AVs) accessible to passengers with disabilities. Learn what the report reveals.  
  • Transit Training Opportunities: The National Center for Mobility Management recently announced some training opportunities for transit systems. Find out more about these opportunities. 
  • Website Accessibility Website: Recently, a baseline for testing accessibility of web content was developed. The criteria sets a minimum for testing accessibility of websites.  Learn about what the criteria is. 
  • Accessible Tourist Attraction: A popular tourist attraction in Door County has recently become accessible to all visitors. Find out which attraction got renovated. 
  • Health Care Outreach Toolkit: The Aging and Disability Business Institute has developed a toolkit for community-based organizations to help conduct outreach to potential partners and craft effective messages. Learn what else is included in the kit. 
  • Tech Giant Launches Employment Program: Google recently announced it's starting a program to help hire more people with autism. Read more about how the program is setup. 

128 Upcoming Events

Here's a sample of upcoming events listed on the Self-Determination Network:

Post your event on the Self-Determination Network and it can be included in future Network News emails to members! Questions? Suggestions?  Contact Stacy Ellingen. 


The Self-Determination Network is powered by InControl Wisconsin and supported financially by our members and Sponsors. We couldn't keep this Network going with you!  Find out how you can help support the Network.

People First Wisconsin is Hiring

By SD Network, 2021-08-13

People First Wisconsin is Hiring
Two positions open!

People First Wisconsin is a statewide Self-Advocacy organization for people with disabilities. By joining together in groups, individuals with disabilities learn to speak up for themselves, share ideas, friendships and information. 

People First Wisconsin helps people with disabilities speak up for themselves, share ideas,  start local Self-Advocacy groups, work together with advocates across Wisconsin on issues important to our members to improve life for people with disabilities.

Please send letter of interest and resume to:

Office Manager - Milwaukee

  • Part-time: Approximately 15-20 hours per week
  • Must be willing to work a blended schedule - both in-person and virtual
  • Report directly to the Executive Director of People First Wisconsin
  • Please see our website for a detailed job description.

Financial Manager

  • Virtual position across Wisconsin
  • Part-time: Approximately 15-20 hours per month
  • Please see our website for a detailed job description.

Now accepting letters of interest and resume through September 8, 2021

Start Date Mid- September 2021

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Google recently announced it's starting a program to hire people with autism. With Google Cloud’s Autism Career Program, the company will work with experts from the Stanford Neurodiversity Project to train as many as 500 Google Cloud managers and others who are integral in the hiring process to work more effectively with candidates who have autism. Support will be available for things such as the application and interview. 

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Communicating clearly and effectively about a community-based organization’s capabilities removes one of the biggest barriers to health care contracting for aging and disability community-based organizations (CBOs), allowing for successful cross-sector partnerships and healthier communities. A new toolkit guides aging and disability CBOs seeking partnerships and conducting outreach with potential health care partners.

The Aging and Disability Business Institute has released the Health Care Outreach Toolkitdeveloped in partnership with Partners in Care Foundation and the Business Institute’s Health Care Outreach working group. It provides aging and disability CBOs with guidance on conducting outreach to potential health care partners and crafting effective messaging.

The toolkit includes customizable messages and potential outreach targets for common types of health care partners—Medicare Advantage plans, Medicaid health plans, hospitals, accountable care organizations, and more. Check out the toolkit and get started on health care outreach efforts today.

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A popular tourist attraction in Door County has recently become accessible to all visitors. Eagle Tower in Peninsula State Park now has a ramp to the top. The view from the top of the tower is a sight to see. This article talks about how important it is to make things like this accessible to all visitors. It also talks about the availability of all-terrain wheelchairs. 

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Website accessibility is becoming more and more important. Sites are often tested using a combination of tools. It can be done manually or there are many different automated tools the do it. Recently, a baseline for testing accessibility of web content was developed. The criteria sets a minimum for testing accessibility of websites. 

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Recently, the Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition released a document of stories about how the new voting bills that were passed will impact those with disabilities. These bills will limit voter access even more than it already is. 

See document

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Member Spotlight: Sydney Badeau

By SD Network, 2021-07-31

Meet Sydney. This animal–loving self-advocate keeps busy by participating in various advocacy organizations. She thinks it’s so important to have a voice and speak up for what’s right. She encourages others to get involved in some sort of advocacy. We’re so fortunate to have her as a member of the Self-Determination Network!

What's your story?  Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Sydney is a disability self-advocate in Southern Wisconsin who lives on a farm out in the country. She serves on multiple disability advocacy boards including the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities, the Wisconsin Youth Leadership Forum Inc Board, and the National Council of Self-Advocates. She’s also a Crisis Counselor for Crisis TextLine.

How are you involved with self-determination? 

Sydney involved with self-determination by participating in activities with different disability advocacy organizations and making her own choices in life. She tells us that the best part of being an advocate is having a voice and being able to speak up for what’s not right. She also enjoys doing policy work.

Tell us some good news - what's the most exciting thing happening for you (or in Wisconsin) in terms self-determination?

The most exciting thing happening for Sydney is that she’s starting her own vlog on the Self-Determination YouTube Channel. She also recently became one of the hosts on the channel.

What tip or resource would you like to share with people who want to be more self-determined?

Sydney encourages people who want to be more self-determined to be aware of the different advocacy organizations. “If you aren’t already involved with them, to reach out to them,” she says.

What are some of your hobbies?

Sydney enjoys doing photography. She likes to photograph things like flowers and animals. She also loves taking care of her pets. She has 18 chickens, two cats, and a dog! 

***We love hearing the views and opinions of Network members. We need to mention that the views and opinions expressed on this site are those of the person who is sharing them. They do not necessarily reflect InControl Wisconsin or any of our supporters and funders.

The National Center for Mobility Management is a national technical assistance center funded through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Transit Administration and operated through a consortium of three national organizations—the American Public Transportation Association, the Community Transportation Association of America, and Easterseals Inc. 

NCMM recently announced two new training/technical assistance opportunities.

Collaborations to Reduce Social Isolation for Older Adults

NCMM is seeking Letters of Interest from State and Tribal Agencies for a technical assistance opportunity to reduce social isolation for older adults. NCMM will facilitate collaborations among state-level agencies within a single state or tribal nation who are interested in working together to address the positive role of transportation in reducing social isolation among older adults. Eligible agencies include state or tribal departments of transportation, public health, aging, and similar agencies that have a role relevant to the issue.

Learn more about the opportunity

Training on One-Call/One-Click Systems

NCMM is seeking Letters of Interest from State, Regional, or Tribal agencies for a two part virtual training on One-Call/One-Click systems. The two-part initiative, requires state/regional/tribal applicants to assist in disseminating information to local communities within their boundaries. NCMM will provide free trainings to local communities selected within selected states, regions, or tribal nations, intending to increase relationships between state, regional, or tribal leaders and local communities implementing One-Call/One-Click systems. Eligible organizations include state departments of transportation, tribal nations, or other state- or regional-level organizations that can fund, provide guidance, and otherwise support local communities in setting up OC/OC systems.

One-Call/One-Click systems inform the public about most, if not all, available transportation options for all populations in a given geographic area. In their full deployment, One-Call/One-Click systems enable users to access trip information; where required, confirm eligibility for and book trips; and pay for trips. This allows community members to plan and implement travel within a single system or seamlessly across multiple systems.

Learn more about the opportunity

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