MILWAUKEEEN.ORG: Advocates for voters with disabilities express angst over case that’s before Wisconsin Supreme Court
By SD Network, 2022-06-28
Wisconsin voters with disabilities continue to be concerned about the ability to vote in upcoming elections. In previous elections, people with disabilities could have another person drop off their absentee ballot if they couldn't get to the polls or drop off places. However, a court ruling January states that people must drop off their own ballot. The case is now awaiting a decision from the Wisconsin Supreme Court which is expected very soon.
U.S. ACCESS BOARD: DOT’s Federal Highway Administration Proposes Rule to Build a National Network of User-Friendly, Reliable, and Accessible Electric Vehicle Chargers
By SD Network, 2022-06-23
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) announced a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to establish minimum standards and requirements for projects funded under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program. These minimum standards will help ensure a national electric vehicle (EV) charging network that is user-friendly, reliable, and accessible to all people and interoperable between different charging companies with similar payment systems, pricing information, charging speeds, and more. FHWA invites interested persons to submit comments on any aspect of the information collection in the published notice.
ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING: Now Available: Free At-home COVID-19 Tests for People Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision
By SD Network, 2022-06-23
The Biden-Harris Administration has launched a new initiative to expand the availability of at-home tests that are more accessible for people who are blind or have low vision. The tests work with a compatible Bluetooth-enabled smartphone and a free app to provide users with audible instructions and audible test results. Read more about the tests.
How to get the tests:
Order online or by calling 1-800-232-0233.
- Each order will include two rapid-antigen tests that are more accessible for people who are blind or have low vision.
- Orders will ship free, while supplies last.
Because supplies are limited, please order the more accessible tests only if you do not have options for using the standard tests. If you have someone you trust who can help you administer the test and interpret results (in person, or through a video platform like FaceTime or Zoom), or can use assistive technology (such as AIRA or Be My Eyes), please order the standard tests.
This initiative complements the Administration’s efforts to expand production of more accessible tests and work with private sector partners on the development of new accessible tests.
Need more assistance?
The trained staff at the Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) can provide additional assistance with:
- Ordering tests.
- Understanding instructions for test administration and test results.
- Providing alternative instructions for traditional at-home tests for people who are unable to access, read, or understand the manufacturer’s version.
For those who cannot use an at-home test, DIAL operators can:
- Assist with ordering “swab and send” kits to collect a sample and mail it back for results.
- Connect callers to local organizations for assistance locating other testing options in their community, including in-home testing programs or transportation or companion support to visit a community-based testing site.
The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law almost 32 years ago, but, yet, there are several public places that still aren't accessible--especially streets and sidewalks. A study found that pedestrian wheelchair users are 30% more likely to be killed in crashes than non-wheelchair users. Their research found that 65% of curb ramps and 48% of sidewalks across the country are not accessible. The team looked at over 400 government entities, and only 13% had ADA plans readily available; only seven of them met the minimum criteria. Advocates want the new infrastructure bill, which includes $11 billion for transportation safety programs, should be spent on curb ramps, sidewalks and roads designed to slow traffic to make crossing streets safer.
WISCONSIN EYE: Newsmakers: Wisconsin's Workforce Shortage and Support for Working Caregivers
By SD Network, 2022-06-21
Newsmakers Host Lisa Pugh will sat down with Patti Jo Becker, Community Living Alliance – Director of Operations, and Lynn Gall, WI Department of Health Services – Family Caregiver Support Programs Manager, to discuss workforce shortage and support for working caregivers. The Wisconsin workforce shortage is worsening in part due to a group of employees who are often overlooked: family caregivers. As baby boomers age out of their jobs and begin requiring care, it is often their grown children and spouses who are stepping in, balancing work and new responsibilities at home. A recent statewide survey shows more than eight in ten employed caregivers are reducing work hours or quitting work entirely. On this Newsmakers episode experts discuss survey results, tell us what employers are saying and share recommendations for improvement.
The National Council on Independent Living released its 2022 Advocacy Priorities Guide. This document contains specific information on the national legislative and policy priorities identified biannually by the NCIL membership, including funding for the Independent Living Program, healthcare and long-term care, housing, transportation, education, and more.
SOUTHEAST ADA CENTER: Southwest ADA Center Seeks Participants for Employment Wellness Program Survey
By SD Network, 2022-06-17
Are you a person with a disability, ages 18 and up, working for an employer in the United States? If so, the Southwest ADA Center would like to hear from you. Many employers today offer programs and activities designed to improve the health and wellness of their employees. We would like to learn about the wellness programs that your employer offers and your experiences with them. Participant information will be kept anonymous. For more information or to participate in this survey please contact us at 832-708-869 or email: to schedule a brief interview via Zoom.
US DEPARTMENT OF LABOR: Disability and the Digital Divide: Internet Subscriptions, Internet Use and Employment Outcomes
By SD Network, 2022-06-15
The Office of Disability Employment Policy in the Department of Labor has released a paper on the digital divide and disability. It discusses details in three main categories: employment outcomes, home internet subscriptions, and internet use. It entails data on each. Overall, people with disabilities use the Internet less than the average person. This could be due to many factors.
THE WASHINGTON POST: How long covid could change the way we think about disability
By SD Network, 2022-06-13
The coronavirus pandemic has created a mass-disabling event that experts liken to HIV, polio or World War II, with millions suffering the long-term effects of infection with the virus. Many have found their lives dramatically changed and are grappling with what it means to be disabled.