RESEARCH ON DISABILITY: Release of Annual Disability Statistics Collection
By SD Network, 2023-02-07
StatsRRTC at the University of New Hampshire's Institute on Disability will release key findings from the Annual Disability Statistics Collection. The annual report addresses critical gaps in national and state data related to people with disabilities by synthesizing complex data from numerous U.S. federal agencies into accessible formats.
"We're getting our first look at post-COVID statistics for many indicators because the collection of 2020 data was corrupted by the COVID lockdown."
– Andrew Houtenville
The ADSC is designed to make finding and using disability statistics easier for individuals working on legislative and other matters relating to persons with disabilities.
Key findings from this year's Compendium include:
- The Annual Disability Statistics Compendium
- Annual Disability Statistics Supplement
- State Reports for County-Level Data
- New and Updated Infographics
Being a starter on a sports team. Standing up in a wedding. Getting a promotion at work. Being asked to speak at a big event. What do these things have in common? Things such as these make an individual feel valued. Being valued is a psychological need of every single person on this earth. There are a million different ways to make a person feel valued, and what makes an individual feel that way varies from person-to-person. Feeling valued, wanted, and needed is essential to everybody. In today’s society, it’s especially important that people feel valued. People who have disabilities or health conditions are no different; we need and deserve to feel valued just like everybody else. In fact, sometimes, I believe people who have any sort of limitation have the need to feel more valued because, the truth is, society still doesn’t view us as equal.
“I know you’re busy, but I’d like to come visit with Parker a day next week. We won’t stay long. What day would work best?,” my sister recently texted me. Nearing the end of her maternity leave with my second nephew and wanting to visit my parents as well, she was trying to find a day to drive up. Having talked with my parents, they told her how busy I’ve recently become. After looking at my calendar and texting her back with the few days and times that’d work, I was talking with my mom and I said, “it’s weird that people have to schedule around my stuff. It’s usually vice versa.” What I mean by this is that I’m not used to being this busy.
As I’ve discussed in past entries, I’ve learned the hard way that my body can handle so much. A few years ago, I took on another very part-time job doing very similar things I do for InControl Wisconsin. People had reached out to me and encouraged me to apply. The fact that people thought that I had the right skills and would bring value to the organization meant so much to me. However, as I explained, a few months into the job, I ended up having emergency surgery. After doing my best to continue working while I recovered, I discovered that my body couldn’t handle it. Much to my dismay, after many doctor and hospital visits, I ended up resigning from the position. People totally understood, but it was really hard on me because I knew that people valued me and wanted me to do it.
That was nearly two years ago. Knock-on-wood, my health has vastly improved and I’ve been on a really good streak. Because of that, I’ve been able to participate in more activities and take on more responsibilities. I’m not sure of the reason, but it seems like in the past month or so, I’ve been fortunate to have been asked to participate in several different advocacy activities. With almost all of these opportunities, people reached out to me and asked me to participate in the particular activity because they thought I’d add value to the project. Due to timing, I had to say no to one or two of the things, but I’ve been able to do most of the opportunities.
Having people reach out to me because they think I bring value to something is an unexplainable feeling. Although, the perception of persons with disabilities has vastly improved, I still constantly feel the need to prove myself. As I’ve said before, being in a wheelchair, having involuntary movements, and being nonverbal, I know people make assumptions. I get it—I make them too. We all do. It’s human nature to. Admittedly, knowing this, makes me self-conscious and I find myself always trying to show people that, despite my physical challenges, I can accomplish things and be successful.
Knowing that people value who I am and what I do greatly boosts my confidence. It does for everyone, but, for people who have blatant stereotypes attached to them, being wanted and needed means a little more. Personally, as I’ve shared before, when I get discouraged or depressed because things aren’t going well or I can’t do something, my mom reminds me of all that I’ve accomplished and of all the people who value me. Honestly, depending on the situation, often I shrug it off because she’s my mom and she has to say those things; however, deep down, it helps to be reminded.
Being valued greatly improves one’s self-worth. Everybody benefits from getting a boost of confidence every once in a while. Have you made somebody feel valued recently? My challenge for you is to make a friend, family member, or colleague feel valued today. By doing so, there’s a strong possibility that you’ll feel more valued as well!
***The views expressed here are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of InControl Wisconsin, the Network or any of our sponsors.
WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES: Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule: Statewide Transition Plan
By SD Network, 2023-02-03
The HCBS settings rule requires states to develop a transition plan for reaching and maintaining compliance with the rule. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) received final approval on its Statewide Transition Plan from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on January 20, 2023. Read the approved Statewide Transition Plan here.
WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES: EVV 101: What is Electronic Visit Verification and How Does it Work?
By SD Network, 2023-02-01
Now is the time to learn about and practice EVV
Electronic visit verification (EVV) is required by federal law. All states have to collect visit information using an EVV system or they won’t get their full federal funding for Medicaid. Right now, EVV is in the soft launch phase. This is a time for provider agencies and workers to learn and start using an EVV system without affecting how provider agencies get paid. When the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) moves to the hard launch phase on May 1, 2023, there will be consequences if workers aren’t using EVV for required services (codes T1019, T1020, S5125, and S5126). These consequences may include the provider agency not getting paid, not being part of future MCO or HMO capitation rate setting development, and possible IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self-Direct) participant disenrollment. Please learn about EVV now while we are in the soft launch phase, so you are ready to go by May 1, 2023. Here are two videos and a flyer that explain what EVV is and how it works.
If you know someone who wants updates about EVV, ask them to sign up for our emails. Please reach out with any questions or comments you may have. We value your time. Wisconsin EVV Customer Hours: Monday-Friday7 a.m. - 6 p.m. CT |
ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING: CMS Resources on Strengthening the Direct Care Workforce
By SD Network, 2023-01-31
ACL POLICY ROUND UP: Public input opportunity: HUD Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing proposed rule
By SD Network, 2023-01-30
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) took a major step towards rooting out longstanding inequities in housing and fostering inclusive communities by announcing the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH)" proposed rule. This proposed rule would implement the Fair Housing Act's affirmatively furthering fair housing mandate, which directs the government to promote fair housing choice, eliminate disparities in housing, and foster inclusive communities.
This proposed rule seeks to simplify the required fair housing analysis, emphasize goal-setting, increase transparency for public review and comment, foster local commitment to addressing fair housing issues, enhance HUD technical assistance to local communities, and provide mechanisms for regular program evaluation and greater accountability, among other changes.
The proposed rule contains a number of changes of particular note to the aging and disability community, including:
- incorporating the housing needs of people with disabilities into the definition of “affordable opportunities;”
- defining “fair housing choice” for persons with disabilities as providing “a realistic opportunity to obtain and maintain housing with accessibility features meeting the individual’s disability-related needs, housing provided in the most integrated setting appropriate to an individual’s needs, and housing where community assets are accessible to individuals with disabilities, including voluntary disability-related services that an individual needs to live in such housing;”
- requiring consultation with organizations that advocate on behalf of individuals with disabilities such as centers for independent living, protection & advocacy agencies, aging and disability resource centers, and councils on developmental disabilities as a part of the community engagement process jurisdictions must take as they develop their Equity Plans; and
- restores previous references to the Olmstead decision and the integration mandate of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
HUD seeks public comments on this proposed rule. The 60-day comment period will open once the proposed rule is published in the Federal Register. HUD has created a guide to submitting comments. ACL networks and stakeholders are encouraged to submit their views, comments, and recommendations.
Additional fair housing resources: review the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Fact Sheet and Engaging the Disability Community in Fair Housing Planning Webinar Series.
By SD Network, 2023-01-30
In January, HUD announced that it would provide $24.7 million for permanent affordable housing to people with disabilities. This award allows local public housing authorities to house up to 2,210 additional families, and further support community integration for persons with disabilities.
The assistance is provided through the HUD Section 811 Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher Program, which offers funding to housing agencies to assist non-elderly people with disabilities who are transitioning out of institutional or other isolated settings, at serious risk of institutionalization, homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless.
ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING: New Funding Opportunity for Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Rehabilitation Strategies, Techniques, and Interventions
By SD Network, 2023-01-27
The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) at ACL has opened a new funding opportunity for a Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERC) Program: RERC on Rehabilitation Strategies, Techniques, and Interventions.
Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers (RERC) Program
The purpose of the RERC program is to improve the effectiveness of services authorized under the Rehabilitation Act by conducting advanced engineering research on and development of innovative technologies that are designed to solve particular rehabilitation problems or to remove environmental barriers. RERCs also demonstrate and evaluate such technologies, facilitate service delivery system changes, stimulate the production and distribution of new technologies and equipment in the private sector, and provide training opportunities.
RERC on Rehabilitation Strategies, Techniques, and Interventions: The purpose of this particular opportunity is to conduct research, development, and related activities that lead to rehabilitation technologies, practices and services that improve the health, and the physical, cognitive, sensory, or communication abilities of people with a wide range of disabilities, especially those with the greatest support needs. Rehabilitation engineering in this area should result in new or improved products, devices, and technological advances that enhance rehabilitation services in clinical or community settings.
View more details and application instructions.
Please visit the link above for more details about the grant opportunity and application process. This grant opportunity closes on March 25, 2022.
WISCONSIN EXAMINER: The caregiver crisis hits LGBTQ elderly and disabled people hardest
By SD Network, 2023-01-27
The caregiver is shortage affects almost everyone in one way or another. It's hitting LGBTQ elderly and people with disabilities really hard. In Wisconsin, caregiver vacancies increased by 4% in two years (currently at 27.8%), which includes a current 28.4% vacancy rate for certified nursing assistants and direct care workers. Some feel it's because society doesn't value caregivers, elderly, and people with disabilities enough.