Sue Roskopf

Join the Team!! AbilityMKE Now! on Riverwest Radio

Join the Team!!  AbilityMKE Now! on Riverwest Radio

Thursday July 2 2020, 7:30 PM - Thursday July 2 2020, 8:00 PM
Attendees:  @Kurt

This show is about disability advocacy.  We welcome people with disabilities, disability service organizations, and all representing activities and opportunities for people with disabilities to join the conversation with us live on the air or in a pre-recorded format.    

Partner up with us to make a difference! 

If you or someone you know is interested, please provide that offer and have a conversation with founder Kurt Roskopf 262-372-1754 call/text   

Join our team for ongoing and we obviously always appreciate new listeners to the show.  Join us!!

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