
Category: award

The Governor’s Committee for People with Disabilities is currently accepting nominations for the Dan C. Johnson Award for Advocacy Excellence

Dan Johnson changed the landscape for people with disabilities in Wisconsin. Dan was a man of great strength with an unwavering commitment to full inclusion in all aspects of life for people with disabilities. As a person with a disability, he had a keen, first-person insight into the nature of barriers confronting people with disabilities and helped develop strategies to reduce them. Dan developed services in the private sector and influenced disability-related public policy that created equality and opportunity for all citizens in Wisconsin. While Dan lived most of his life with a disability, the full measure of who he was as a person was so much more. Dan was a superb husband, father, and grandfather. A role that brought him so much pure joy. He was affable and accessible. He was a model of human kindness, patience and forbearance.


Nomination forms are available at: https://gcpd.wisconsin.gov/index.htm.


Please email completed nomination forms for consideration by GCPD to: Sara.ODonnell@dhs.wisconsin.gov.



Best Regards,



Lisa Sobczyk


Office for Physical Disabilities and Independent Living

Bureau of Aging and Disability Resources

Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Phone: 608-266-9354

E-mail: Lisa.Sobczyk@dhs.wisconsin.gov 

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